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The Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW) of the Australian National University will host a China winter school for undergraduate students from Australian universities intending to undertake honours in any social science or humanities discipline with a primary focus on China.

This program was first held in July 2023, with participants attending from seven universities around Australia. It gained overwhelmingly positive feedback, with the majority of participants stating the program had deepened their interest in China and encouraged them to consider further studies.

The Honours in China Studies Advance Preparation Program is supported by the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations.


Over one week, successful applicants will participate in an intensive program of seminars, workshops and discussions on various topics related to China, including politics, international affairs, economics, contemporary culture, and social change. As part of the program, participants will meet with experts from ANU and other universities to learn how an honours degree can expand career opportunities. Participants will be expected to attend all program activities.

A draft schedule can be found in information about the program here.


  • You must be a second- or third-year undergraduate student enrolled at an Australian university engaged in Chinese studies or related major and considering completing an honours degree. Note that preference will be given to third-year undergraduates (or equivalent).
  • Participants are required to have completed at least one year FTE of study in a China-related field.
  • You must be an Australian citizen or have Australian permanent residence status.


Successful applicants will be required to contribute $150 to attend the program. To ensure participation in the program, successful applicants will be required to make this payment to CIW by 5pm Thursday 6 June 2024.

Remaining costs for attending the program—including transport, accommodation, and one meal per day (lunch) as well as morning and afternoon teas—will be contributed by CIW. Transport and accommodation will be arranged by CIW in coordination with the participants as appropriate. Accommodation will be shared 2 or 3 room apartments on ANU campus with small kitchen facilities.


Applicants should submit the following:

  1. the application form;
  2. a CV;
  3. a transcript of university results.

Applications should be submitted to the contact person at the applicant’s university by 5pm Wednesday 15 May 2024. We expect successful applicants will be informed by email in the following week.

Selection Process

Each participating university will make a preliminary selection based on applicants’ suitability, qualifications and motivation. Each participating university will then forward the applications of their final nominees to CIW. The final selection of participants for inclusion in the program will be made by CIW based on consultation with partner universities. We envision a total of approximately 20 participants.

Preference will be given to students studying Chinese language, but any student with a demonstrable interest in a China-related field will be considered for inclusion in the program.


If you have any questions regarding this program, please contact: