Michael Clarke

AsPr Michael Clarke

Dr Michael Clarke is an internationally recognised expert on the history and politics of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, People's Republic of China (PRC), Chinese foreign policy in Central Asia, Central Asian geopolitics, nuclear proliferation and non-proliferation and American grand strategy and foreign policy. He also regularly provides expert media commentary on Uyghur/Xinjiang and Chinese foreign policy-related issues to national and international media including the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, LA Times, Voice of America, BBC News, the New York Times, the Guardian, CNN and Reuters among others.

Recent Publications

Clarke, M. E., Hunt, J. and Sussex, M. (2020) "Shaping the Post-Liberal Order from Within: China’s Influence and Interference Operations in Australia and the United States", Orbis, 64 (2), 207-229.

Clarke, M (2019), "China's Application of the 'Three Warfares' in the South China Sea and Xinjiang", Orbis, 63 (2), 187-208

Clarke, M. E. (ed) (2018) Terrorism and Counterterrorism in China: Domestic and Foreign Policy Dimensions, (London: Hurst & Co/NY: Oxford University Press).

Clarke, M. E and Ricketts, A. (2017) “Donald Trump and the Traditions of American Foreign Policy: The Return of the Jacksonian Tradition”, Comparative Strategy 36 (4), 366-379.

Clarke, M. E and Ricketts, A. (2017) “Shielding the Republic: Barack Obama and the Jeffersonian Tradition of American Foreign Policy”, Diplomacy & Statecraft, 28 (3), 394-417.

Clarke, M. E and Ricketts, A. (2017) “US Grand Strategy and National Security: The Dilemmas of Primacy, Decline and Denial”, Australian Journal of International Affairs, 71 (5), 479-498.

Clarke, M. E. (2017) “The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s New Grand Strategy?”, Asia Policy, 24 (July), 7-15.

Clarke, M. E. (2017) “The Impact of Ethnic Minorities on China’s Foreign Policy: The Case of Xinjiang and the Uyghur”, China Report, 53 (1), 1-25.

Clarke, M. E. (2017) “The US-Australia Alliance in an Era of Change: Living Complacently?”, Asia Policy, 23 (1), 63-70.

Clarke, M. E and Ricketts, A. (2017) “Did Obama Have a Grand Strategy?”, Journal of Strategic Studies, 40 (1), 295-324.

Clarke, M. E and Ricketts, A. (2017) “Understanding the Return of the Jacksonian Tradition”, Orbis, 61 (1), 13-25.

Research Interest

  • The history and politics of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomnous Region, PRC
  • The geopolitics of Central Eurasia
  • Chinese foreign and security policy
  • Terrorism and political violence
  • Australian defence and foreign policy
  • Nuclear proliferation and non-proliferation
  • American grand strategy and foreign policy

Expertise Area(s)

Defence Studies
Government and Politics of Asia and the Pacific
International Relations

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