Secondary Landing Page

As the hub for Chinese studies at ANU, the Australian Centre on China in the World (CIW) facilitates cross-campus, national, and international research and teaching collaborations to promote greater understanding of the Chinese world — the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, and the Chinese diaspora. CIW is the place to come to understand China and the Chinese world.

Since January 2014 the Australian Centre on China in the World has been offering up to five Graduate Fellowships per year to PhD students enrolled at Australian and New Zealand universities, with the purpose of enabling them to meet CIW and other ANU PhD students and research staff and to access the library resources on China at ANU and the National Library of Australia.

Benefits of Fellowship

  • Return airfare to Canberra
  • Two weeks accommodation on or near campus
  • Visitor access to library resources at ANU and the National Library of Australia, which together form the largest holdings and greatest access to e-materials on China in Australia
  • Desk and computer access within CIW building
  • The opportunity to meet CIW and other ANU PhD students and research staff

Note: Transfers to and from airports, meals and incidentals are not covered.


  • Applications must be made through the online form linked below. There is one deadline each year of 15 March for visits from April to December.
  • Provide a one-page report on the Fellowship at the conclusion of the two weeks, including its value to your research, and how the experience can be improved for future Fellows.
  • Provide appropriate acknowledgment of CIW in the thesis and in any subsequent publications based on the library research.
  • The two weeks of the Fellowships are designed to be used for library research and to meet CIW and other ANU PhD students and research staff. If a recipient takes the opportunity presented by the airfare to attend a workshop or conference in Canberra around the time of the Fellowship, they will be expected to cover their accommodation costs for those days from other funding.
  • ANU students are not eligible to apply for the Fellowship.

There is one application deadline each year:

15 March 2025: For fellowships beginning and ending inside April–December 2025

Applications must include:

  • the visitor's curriculum vitae (<2 pages);
  • a research work outline;
  • a supporting statement from the visitor's supervisor (<1 page).

Email for enquiries.