
Dr Yarjis Xueqing Zhong

PhD in Linguistics (Australian National University); MA (UC)

Dr Xueqing Zhong completed her PhD in linguistics at the Australian National University. She has been teaching Mandarin Chinese since 2012 in the College of Asia & the Pacific at the Australian National University at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels as well as Chinese culture. She has been teaching Mandarin Chinese since 2019 at CCE. She has established rich teaching experiences throughout the years, especially language teaching. She has been trained in linguistics and is currently involved in bilingual education, orthography design, phonetic and phonology, word formation and morphosyntax, lexicography, language documentation and maintenance, as well as language ecology. She is also an experienced interpreter and translator between Mandarin Chinese and English. She has translated and published three books from Chinese into English.

Expertise Area(s)

Ethnic Minority Languages

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