Mark Strange
B.A. Hons (Durham); M.St., D.Phil. (Oxon)
Mark Strange is a Sinologist with broad interests in the intellectual history of pre-modern China. His particular focus is the historiography, political thought, and philosophy of the third and eleventh centuries CE. He has taught Chinese history and Literary Chinese language at the Universities of Warwick, Oxford, and Cambridge. He joined the Australian National University in 2012.
Research Interest
Pre-modern Chinese intellectual history (esp. Song political thought and philosophy)
Chinese traditional historiography (esp. Zi zhi tong jian 資治通鑑 and Shi tong 史通)
Medieval Chinese political history
Textual scholarship
I am currently working on the current projects:
- History and empire in eleventh-century China: a reading of Sima Guang's Zi zhi tong jian [a monograph study of the historiography and political thought of Zi zhi tong jian]
- A Comprehensive Mirror to Aid Orderly Rule (Zi zhi tong jian): a translation of juan 1-8, with historical and critical commentary
- The political thought of Zi zhi tong jian: a translation and study of Sima Guang’s comments as historian
- 'Zi zhi tong jian and the ritual crisis of 1061-1062' [English-language article]
- ‘Jie du Song Shen zong “Zi zhi tong jian xu”’ [Chinese-language article: ‘A Reading of Song Shen zong’s ‘Preface to Zi zhi tong jian’]
- 'The circulation of historical knowledge and writing in China and beyond: the case of Zi zhi tong jian' [a series of articles on the reception history of Zi zhi tong jian in China, Japan, and Korea]
- with Esther S. Klein: edited volume on Liu Zhiji and medieval historiography
Expertise Area(s)
Intellectual History
Chinese traditional historiography
Medieval Chinese political history
Textual scholarship